Gait Analysis
When customers come in to Coventry Runner looking for advice on what the best shoes are for them, the most effective and reliable way of doing this is by offering the video gait analysis service. Without seeing how a person runs, i.e. how their heel strikes the ground, how their foot lands and how it takes off from the forefoot, it’s impossible to present them with the perfect pair of shoes for their running style.
Therefore we pride ourselves in taking the time to fit you in a neutral pair of shoes, film you on the treadmill for 15-20 seconds, and then play this back to you on the computer screen in order show you how your feet land and take off when running. Following on from this we then take you through the relevant range of shoes we have which are suitable for your running style, repeating the process of filming and playing back to show how the correct range of shoes support your feet in the appropriate manner.
The cost for this service is £30 however if you buy shoes on the day there is no charge for the analysis.
You do not need to book an appointment, simply come in-store whenever is convenient for you and we will look after you. Please bear in mind that a thorough analysis, along with time for you to try on several different pairs of shoes (and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee!), can take around half an hour, so allow enough time before we close to come in for this service.
If you have any questions about any of the above then please do give us a call!