Please note these are applicable from Monday 15th June 2020 onwards …
Following the recent changes in government guidelines for the retail sector we are pleased to confirm we will be re-opening on Monday 15th June 2020
In order to look after the safety of our staff & our customers, things will be slightly different in-store, as per details below:
- Only 2 customers will be allowed in the shop at any one time
- Please make every effort to come alone to minimise the number of people in-store
- There will be hand sanitiser at the door as you enter – please use this, our staff will be using it regularly throughout the day, particularly as every new customer comes in
- You will be directed to one of the 2 benches located on the shop floor, please stay seated here until you are directed to the treadmill / till
- Gait analysis will be available, our treadmill will be cleaned down thoroughly after each customer has finished their session
- The changing room will be closed so you will be unable to try clothes on, but you are welcome to purchase items to try on at home
- Contactless / card payments are encouraged
- We will not be making appointments – we would encourage customers to come at a time convenient to them & we will aim to serve you as quickly as possible
- If there is a queue we can take your details down & call you when the previous customer has left, if you’d like to wait in your car. You are of course welcome to wait outside at a safe distance from other customers and pedestrians
Your support whilst we have been closed over the last 12 weeks has been phenomenal, and we are so grateful for your social media interaction, as well as your purchases, kind words and friendly faces when we’ve been delivering your orders.

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